Christian Education

Baptist Training Union is one of the primary educational components of First Baptist Church. We believe that Bible study is preventive medicine to help us through trouble, trials, or tribulation. We offer “Developing the Whole Person” concept. This approach prepares God’s people to become effective Christians by preparing them to minister in their spiritual gifts to edify the body of Christ.
The objectives of BTU is to instruct, develop and disciple the “Whole Person” through rightly dividing the word of truth using the Holy Bible as our standard.
Ministry Scripture: Teaching: II Timothy 2:15, Training II Timothy 2:2, Outreach Matthew 25:35-36 and Team Leaders: Exodus 18:21-22

Leadership Training
Leadership Training is available to all Leaders of the First Baptist Church on a regular basis to sharpen skills and improve performance as a leader. “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17

Sunday School / VBS
Sunday School is the foundation of the learning ministry of the Church where one may grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ standing on God’s Word. (2nd Peter 3:18). Questions cannot be asked during a sermon. In Sunday School, as we search the scriptures, one may ask questions to gain a greater understanding.
Vacation Bible School is an evangelistic outreach program that gives First Baptist Church members opportunity to share God’s word with children and adults in a relaxed Christian atmosphere. Many first time attendees have never heard Bible stories, the Parables or the exciting message of Salvation. The ten lessons of Salvation through God’s glorious gift, Jesus, are shared with all attendees. We want to train up children in the way they should go: so when they are old, they will not depart from it. Prov. 22:6 VBS is held at the end of July and the beginning of August for two weeks. Students participate in art classes, playground activities, music classes, and are served daily lunch meals, all for $1.00 dollar per day. Everyone is welcome to make a difference in children’s spiritual growth by volunteering as a teacher, nurse, cafeteria helper or bus driver.

New Members / Disciples Orientation
New Disciples Orientation is designed to help our new members understand the basic fundamentals of leading a Christ filled life. Also you will be informed about life here at First Baptist Church, who we are, and what we offer and prayerfully where you will fit it in.

PIE – Partners in Education
The goal of Partners in Education is to collaborate with students, parents, school administrators, local colleges, businesses, and other organizations to help enhance the educational experience and life goals of students in the surrounding school districts of the Town of Islip.
The primary objective is to ensure that students and parents have the ability to successfully navigate their respective school systems. We offer educational workshops and work with local organizations to help parents steer their children through the maze of local school districts. All members of the First Baptist Church are invited to join.

Scholarship Committee
The E.L. Hayward Scholarship Fund provides a monthly monetary love donation to First Baptist Church’s college students up to a Bachelor’s Degree. Students’ progress is monitored through verbal contact and monthly written correspondence. In June, we recognize our high school and college graduates. Once a year, we have a Stay at Home Tea to assist First Baptist Church in providing money to aid our recipients. We gladly accept any financial donations. Membership is opened to all First Baptist Church members.